Clear the Clutter & Cash In with JBF Kirkwood/Arnold!
Clutter is overwhelming, we get it! But you've taken a GREAT step to conquer it!! Way to go! We are so excited that you have registered to consign with us! Get ready to clear out that clutter from the items your kids no longer need or want and CASH IN! All while being a superhero to the community. Families helping families, that's what you get to be a part of when selling with JBF!
We're so glad you're joining us!
1. DIY Seller
Tired of the hassles with online selling & hosting garage sales? Our average seller earns $500 in one weekend!
2. Valet Selling
Interested in selling, but short on time to tag items? Sign up to sell using our Valet Selling service.
3. Consignor Concierge Service
Want to sell but have a schedule conflict with the Drop Off and/or Pick Up dates? Sign up to sell using our Consignor Concierge Service.
We offer 3 types of Consignor Concierge Service: Drop Off only, Pick Up only & Pick Up & Drop Off
Drop Off Service: Seller preps & tags their own items. JBF will arrange a Drop Off time at the venue prior to the scheduled seller drop off day. JBF will inspect & place items on the sales floor.
Pick Up Service: Seller preps & tags their own items. JBF will take the sellers unsold items and will arrange with the seller a pick up time the week after the sale. Pick up location is in South County.
Drop Off & Pick Up Service: Seller preps & tags their own items. JBF will arrange a drop off & pick up time. Seller will drop off their items at the venue (or another approved location) prior to the scheduled seller drop off day. JBF will inspect, place the items on the sales floor and take unsold items for the seller to pick up the week after the sale. Pick up location is in South County.
4. Quick Cash Seller
Bring your like new items to us and we will make you an offer on the spot.