Countdown to Drop Off:

NaN days, NaN hours, NaN minutes, NaN seconds

Drop Off: Monday, March 24 & Tuesday, March 25th by appointment. Kennedy Recreation Complex 6050 Wells Road St. Louis, MO 63128

Ways To Sell With JBF

1. DIY Seller

Tired of the hassles with online selling & hosting garage sales? Our average seller earns $500 in one weekend!

  • Sellers prep, price, create tags in our online tagging system, drop off & place their items in the designated areas on the sales floor. 
  • Sellers earn 60% on sold items. 
  • Sellers have the option of helping during a shift at the sale to earn an additional 10% & shops the presale before the general public. 
  • Seller has the option to help at multiple shifts to shop even earlier.
  • Sellers will receive a E-check via email within 14 days or via postal mail within 3 weeks after the completion of the event.

2. Valet Selling

Interested in selling, but short on time to tag items? Sign up to sell using our Valet Selling service. 

  • With Valet Selling, sellers will prep, organize and drop off their items to one of our pro taggers.
  • Our taggers will hang, price, create tags and deliver the items to the sale. Sellers earn 45% of their sales, and have the option to earn an additional 5% if they help for a 4hr shift during the sale. 
  • Sellers receive (2) early shopping passes via email ONE week prior to the presale shopping time. 
  • Sellers are responsible for picking up unsold items at the designated pick up time.
  • Sellers will receive a check via email within 14 days after the sale ends. 
  • A $30.00 Supply/Seller Fee will be collected at registration. This covers 300 tags. There is an additional fee of $5 for every 150 additional tags. Additional tag fees if any will be deducted from sellers check.
  • If space is available you will receive a confirmation email within 48hrs with your Tagger's contact information.
  • This service has limited availability & fills up quickly. 

3. Consignor Concierge Service

Want to sell but have a schedule conflict with the Drop Off and/or Pick Up dates? Sign up to sell using our Consignor Concierge Service. 

We offer 3 types of Consignor Concierge Service: Drop Off only, Pick Up only & Pick Up & Drop Off 

Drop Off Service: Seller preps & tags their own items. JBF will arrange a Drop Off time at the venue prior to the scheduled seller drop off day. JBF will inspect & place items on the sales floor. 

Pick Up Service: Seller preps & tags their own items. JBF will take the sellers unsold items and will arrange with the seller a pick up time the week after the sale. Pick up location is in South County. 

Drop Off & Pick Up Service: Seller preps & tags their own items. JBF will arrange a drop off & pick up time. Seller will drop off their items at the venue (or another approved location) prior to the scheduled seller drop off day. JBF will inspect, place the items on the sales floor and take unsold items for the seller to pick up the week after the sale. Pick up location is in South County.

  • Sellers earn 60% on sold items
  • Sellers will receive two early shopping passes
  • Sellers will receive a check via email within 14 days of the end of the sale
  • If space is available you will receive a confirmation email within 48hrs
  • This service has limited availability

4. Quick Cash Seller

Bring your like new items to us and we will make you an offer on the spot.

  • We will only accept certain items in like new condition that meet current recall & safety guidelines set forth by CPSC.
  • All electronic items need to have working batteries & power cord if applicable. 
  • Refer to the information below for accepted items. JBF reserves the right to decline items if they do not meet our quality & safety standards.
  • JBF offers two payout options: Seller will receive payout in the form of an E-check sent within 24hrs of drop off. Seller will leave with a receipt showing what you will be paid OR seller can select payment in the form of a JBF gift certificate for additional 20% more than original payment quote to be used at the current sale.

RegFox Event Registration Software